A New Decade


I am an 80’s born baby and have lived already in four decades and two centuries. There has been a huge hype about 2020 with many corporate companies re-looking at their goals and vision statements. How many have achieved it I ask?? How many of these companies have reached these goals and have celebrated these achievements?

I do believe goal setting for the next three to five years is so overrated as I believe things change so rapidly that it no longer makes sense. It does not make sense to the people who the organization works for, to the consumers who will purchase it. Therefore I am not setting any long term goals that are unachievable. I am setting goals for this year as they will guide me into the coming months.

Being in an industry that is very DIY, easily accessible, competitive, or just grab a Sharpie kind has become the norm. But as an entrepreneur, you have to think like an entrepreneur. You have to take the risk that you have something to give to the public and that you are worthy of this business you are creating.

Let’s find a way to collaborate and support small business owners like me to live their dreams.

So, let’s all share this piece of pie!!


with love,
Vanisha Singh

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