Have you pictured yourself publishing a book one day?


Well, Spela Perc did for over six years. We have previously worked with Spela, and our business relationship has grown significantly.

Let me introduce to you Dylan’s Adventure into the Unknown by Spela Perc

A book that could not be more relevant than it is today. Spela depicts, “What does it mean to really care for the planet we live on? The world we once knew it to now lies in the hands of our future generation?”

When I read the manuscript of this children’s book, I expected it to be a typical children’s book about princesses and happily ever after. Instead, it was thought-provoking about a child who has the power within himself to create the world he wants to live in.

The reviews speak for themselves.

You don’t have to put the whole book together before our strategy session with you. Time is hard to navigate but we can help you piece this together.

Dylan's Adventure into the Unkown

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Meet Spela Perc - Author

with love,
Vanisha Singh

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