How I am working from home!


Finding a balance you’re comfortable with certainly isn’t easy, and as your career and personal life evolve, I constantly have to shift things around. So today, I am sharing an inside look at my schedule of working from home, which is challenging.

Q. My job and what it entails.

A. I am a brand caretor and calligrapher artist. It sounds very crafty, so many of you may think it’s a hobby filled with fun. Well, I like to call it a passion project. It’s definitely fun, and for the first time in my life, I am as happy as I can be. I have worked in corporate for 10 years, and while I learned so much and took on more than I could handle, I am ever so grateful to call this my job.

My business is primarily marketing with seasonal events allowing me to produce authentic art through modern calligraphy. Last year, I launched Find Me Lettering, a website, which eats up more time than you would think. From creating content, producing photo shoots and endlessly networking to promoting, collaborating and brainstorming with some phenomenal women, it is a full-time job on its own. I have also been slacking in admin, budgeting, and taxes. Who’s with me, raise your hand…

Q. Working from home and how do you manage your day?

A. I’ve been working from home since June 2019. Having relocated from South Africa, I took 4 months to help transition the process of living in a new community lets alone a new country. The transition was both easy and difficult. I initially worked in our 3rd Bedroom but as my business grew so did the space I required. So the end of January I moved into the basement. It was not an easy decision but I don’t regret it. I have much more space to layout my rather large signage but I am still navigating my lighting.

My day begins at 6:30 a.m. with breakfast and lunch preparation. I head out the door at 7:30 – 7:45 a.m. to the gym. I like to work out for at least 1.5 hours. I’m back home by 9:30 a.m. and head straight into the shower. I make myself a good breakfast, which is often avocado on toast and everything but bagel seasoning (my ride or die). I officially begin work by 10 – 10:30 a.m.

While at the gym I will check my emails and social media but will leave the most important for when I’m sitting at my desk. Till lunch, I will touch on emails, follow-ups and schedule any new meetings for the week.

Lunch comes around fast and most of the time it’s either supper leftovers or my famous salad poke bowls for lunch. Mondays I begin to work on my blog that is set to be released on Thursday. I like to block hours in my day to focus on certain things. I would like to become better at this.

My workday generally ends around 6:30 p.m., but some days, I work beyond that as I love what I do and love helping my clients move forward.

Q. What are some of the best things or biggest benefits of working from home?

A. I have really enjoyed working from home. It takes dedication and concentration. You are ultimately responsible and therefore there are no excuses unless they are completely valid. Prior to becoming a mother, I could have never imagined sacrificing my career for a family. That might sound horrible, but it’s true. Creating a dedicated workspace is key, set boundaries for yourself, stick to time, be consistent and allow yourself some days to take it easy. With the COVID-19 lockdown, I do intend on making the most of it, learning a new skill, sorting through admin, reading a little more, drawing, doing some art, cleaning no doubt common space to keep my family safe and spending a little more time with my family.

Q. What’s have been some of the challenging or crazy moments working from home?

A. Expecting the house to stay clean but it does get dirty. Driving around looking for certain items for my clients, running errands, fitting in doctors’ appointments that can take up two hours of your time as nothing is on schedule.

But I love what I do so the good outways the bad!

Are you a work-from-home body? How do you stay sane?

Let’s all help each other out! xx


with love,
Vanisha Singh

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