Lessons Learn’t from a Multi-Passionate Creative


I hope that the advice and suggestions I offer here from my experiences as a creative entrepreneur with multiple interests will be helpful to you.

Thriving as a multi-passionate creative in calligraphy and branding or any others involves blending these two interests effectively while managing time and energy. There are some steps that I have failed, so the following may help you succeed or find a solution:

Thriving as a multi-passionate creative in calligraphy and branding or any others involves blending these two interests effectively while managing time and energy. There are some steps that I have failed, so the following may help you succeed

Thriving as a multi-passionate creative in calligraphy and branding or any others involves blending these two interests effectively while managing time and energy. There are some steps that I have failed, so the following may help you succeed or find

  1. Your Niche:

    • Early in the game, my focus was calligraphy, but I slowly learned (thanks to the pandemic) that there was more I could offer. I pivoted slightly from my niche of only creating and teaching calligraphy and went down the avenue of Branding and Digital Marketing. Since then, I have opened myself up to other creative avenues, Painting Murals, Lapel Pins and wellness practices that make sense. Not everyone needs a niche!! Yes I said it. I had to determine how calligraphy and branding can intersect, and I found a way that works for me. To you, I ask “What makes your approach different or unique? For example, I might specialize in creating custom calligraphy Logos or Branding materials with a strong wellness influence. It might work for a few months or even a couple of years, but eventually you’ll have to grow and change your business as the times, your customers, and your industry change. I think you should focus on your customer instead of a niche. What are their new hobbies, and how can you use your skills to make a product or service that fits into their lives? Since they have bought from you before, they are much more likely to trust you with a new product or job and buy from you again. So, keep up with your customers and what they’re interested in. That’s a much better thing to focus on than a field.

  2. Set Clear Goals:

    • As we age, our needs and wants change. We read, and educate ourselves through podcasts, workshops or in-person training, so your goals may require a slight adjustment to change too. Identifying what your authentic self wants to put out into the world is a real conversation. Sometimes, it can take us a few years before we genuinely uncover that, but when we do, we are unstoppable. Similar to me, define specific goals for your calligraphy and branding work. Whether it’s building a client base, launching a personal brand, or completing a certain number of projects, having clear objectives will guide your efforts.

  3. Develop Your Skills:

    • I taught myself calligraphy while branding and marketing came through my 10 years in corporate. Calligraphy was an easy choice for me, it was something I was genuinely interested in and I knew there were multiple revenue streams, but remember every industry is competitive it is about how you stand out. By continuing to improve your calligraphy and branding skills through consistent practice and learning. I have managed to stay up-to-date with design trends and calligraphy techniques which has been crucial. I don’t think we ever stop learning.

  4. Build a Strong Portfolio:

    • Showcasing my work has been difficult as my areas have spanned across many industries, so I try to showcase through my Portfolio and also my current work that is on showcase. This is important no matter which platform you use. I prefer my website as I know I own the information compared to social media (remember the day we all lost access to this?). Place your work in a well-organized portfolio that highlights your expertise in all industries you are active in. Include case studies that demonstrate how your skills can benefit clients.

  5. Target Your Audience:

    • This is always tricky but I always remember we are not for everyone. Branding and calligraphy can undoubtedly be a point of convergence, as they both involve visual elements to communicate a message and create a distinct identity. Branding aims to create a solid and memorable identity for a business, company, product, or service. This involves developing a unique logo, colour scheme, and overall visual style that is easily recognizable and effectively communicates the desired message. I help wellness and lifestyle business owners (brick & mortar too) reach their target market, creating authentic scripts and images of their brands with the right tools and resources but I have also helped brides on their big day with a seating chart, escort cards and custom signage for the day. You can start by identifying your target clients or customers. Are you catering to individuals, small businesses, or larger corporations? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your services and marketing efforts.

  6. Create a Personal Brand:

    • Where to start? Well, I like to start with understanding you and what you may be looking for. I developed a relationship with you first before I could develop a brand. If you don’t have one, don’t worry let’s unpack this together. A personal brand is the multidimensional core of your professional identity. It is made up of different parts that, when put together, show who you really are. Think of a business you like. Maybe you think of Apple, MacDonald, Knix, or Disney. Now, you could easily describe their image or the visual parts of their brand. But I bet you could also describe their essence as a brand, or what they stand for, if I asked you to. I often see examples of what a brand is not. It’s more than just a name or an image; it shows what the brand stands for, what it knows, what it loves, and how it speaks.

      In a similar way, your personal brand tells people your story, your vision, and what you stand for. This shapes how other people see you and how they connect to you. How does this work in real life? Can I manage this? Is this something I am honestly passionate about? A personal brand is made up of the quality of your work, how hard you try to be the best, and how you deal with problems and wins.

    • Develop a strong personal brand that represents your multi-passionate identity. This brand should reflect your unique style and values in both areas or may areas of interest.

  7. Networking and Collaboration:

    • I am mindful of my energy and very selective of the events I want to attend. I have learnt over the last three years the importance of networking but also the importance of choosing what fits your lifestyle, cost and the people who make up these groups. I joined BNI (read about my experience here) but it was not for me. There are many others, but you going to have to weed it out from attending them. Building my confidence by connecting with professionals in both the creative and wellness spaces but also business forums. My suggestion is to attend relevant events, join online communities, and seek collaboration opportunities to expand your network. Check out your competitors too cause you can collaborate – just know “Collaboration over competition”.

  8. Marketing Strategy:

    • This is why we do what we do. I provide calligraphy and branding services as a form of communication to the intended recpient. Building a name is not something you do once and then leave alone. There is thoughts and intention behind everythign we do. Calligraphy is an art that feeds my soul. Branding is a process that keeps going and gets better over time. Whether you’re a personal brand or a buisness or company brand, you get known by sticking around for a long time. With this kind of consistency, you can keep your audience and target audience aware and “bought in” even as you change. Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that integrates your skills. Utilize social media, a professional website, email marketing, and content creation to reach your target audience.

  9. Manage Your Time Effectively:

    • As a multi-passionate creative, time management is crucial. I have tried atested a few products over time to determine what work for me and what doesn’t. I am also prefer a weekly schedule incoporating a monthly schedule. I use this CRM system it does exaclty what it needs to. I recommend to use tools like calendars and task lists to plan your work, allocate time for each passion, and meet deadlines. here is a link to some of my management systems that help me run my business.

  10. Continuous Learning:

    • Staying open to learning and evolving in everything we do. Most of us grew up with the notion that you go to university/college get a degree in a specific field and stay in that for the rest of your life. Since then we all know things no doubtedly have changed we are never ever going back. I am continuously learning pushing my skills in calligraphy or branding and other areas like art, health, wellness and quantum universe. The creative industries are constantly changing, and your ability to adapt is essential for long-term success. Go on learn something new, take up a past hobbie or pick up that brush for the first time.

  11. Client Education:

    • This has been a tough notion for me as I dwelev into so many things, it can come acorss as been all over the place or just confusing. I am on a motion to be specific in my social media instead of been very broad. This is a working task for me and I’m hopign to do better but I will start by saying educating your clients about the value of your multi-disciplinary approach. Help them understand how the combination of example: calligraphy and branding that can enhance their projects and businesses in the future.

  12. Balance and Self-Care:

    • Balancing two creative passions can be demanding. So prioritizing self-care to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance. That can be done in a variety of ways. It could be as simple as sleep, yoga, a walk, a day off and sit on the couch, conectign with friends or just enhoyign doign nothing but being present of the way you feel.

Remember that the key to thriving as a multi-passionate creative is finding the synergy between these two passions and effectively communicating their value to your audience. Stay focused, stay creative, and continue to learn and adapt as you grow in both areas.

As a solopreneur who has poured endless years of love and effort into my creative business, it can be scary to let someone peek behind the curtains and access the ins and outs of how you run your day-to-day. But, if you are steadily growing and feel overwhelmed, learn to ask for help. Invest in a part-time or seasonal assistant, or take on an intern if you can’t financially afford to hire. Again, I am currently working towards this goal and finding it much easier said than done.

with love,
Vanisha Singh