Myths About Creative VIP Days


For the last five years, I’ve spent much of my time educating clients, teaching them how to use tools and software to create social media, and answering questions about business and how to run a successful business. I enjoy spending my time with my clients but I found that my time and theirs could truly be focused and made better of use if I introduced my VIP Days known as Creative Day Pass. Through our conversation, many people do not understand what Creative/VIP days mean and how they work and what we achieve but also the many myths that need debunking. So, let’s start with debunking this first.

Myth #1: A Creative VIP Day is Just One Day

People often think a Creative VIP Design Day is one day and one day only. No not at all. This is a strict 8-hour session crammed with tasks dictated by you the client. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

VIP Days are highly flexible, customisable to fit the needs of each project. Whether it’s a “Brand in a Day” or a week-long branding development deep dive, you can shape these days to suit the project best. Effective time management and clear expectations are crucial, allowing you and I to be productive and creative within a set timeframe. For our clients, this means focused collaboration and fast, tangible results, highlighting the importance of organisation and time respect.


Myth #2: Creative VIP Days Mean Compromised Quality

Many fear that squeezing work into Creative VIP Days will lower the quality of the project. This is a misunderstanding. Creative VIP Days aren’t just about blocking out 8 hours and expecting magic. They involve meticulous planning and strategic focus. The groundwork is laid beforehand—understanding our client’s vision, gathering resources, and crafting a detailed plan. On the Day, you concentrate all your energy on the project, minimizing distractions and maximizing output. Follow-up and fine-tuning ensure the final deliverables not only meet but exceed client expectations. What I truly enjoy is that creative VIP Days challenge both of us. It allows us to think beyond the traditional workflows, it allows more conversation and questioning proving high-quality work can be delivered in a condensed timeframe with the right preparation and focus.

Myth #3: Clients Want a Longer Process with More Revisions

Endless revisions and long email threads drain creative energy, making the project feel never-ending. We are behind all this. A recurring issue in design projects is their tendency to drag on. Initially, excitement is high, but enthusiasm fades as weeks turn into months. This is exhausting for our clients and us. Most clients prefer efficiency. They hire me for my expertise to make the process smooth and quick, not for countless options and drawn-out timelines. Streamlining the process with quick, decisive action and minimal revisions keeps the project exciting. It maintains its integrity, leaving clients engaged and satisfied, and that is why we work on clear objectives, resolutions, sources of implementation and realistic outcomes.

If you want to know more about how I supercharge your design business with my Creative Day Pass then find out more here and complete the form to get started and let me help you feel unstuck.

Spend a day with me! For 1:1 design help with tangible takeaways, our Creative Day Pass grants our undivided attention to your business for a day’s worth of whatever you need, whether brand refinement and maintenance, concept creation, drafting, or designing branded assets for your business.
with love,
Vanisha Singh

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