Every second of the day, something is being Googled. So why not your business??
Most of our days are spent on Google, researching, designing, learning, playing, reading… my list could go on.
What does that mean to you? What has it got to do with you and your business?
“It means that not having a website for your business isn’t really an option anymore”
And so business owners of the world dutifully get straight to Googling to try figure out what do you want your website to look like?
I designed Spela’s website with her target audience in mind.
I take all my clients on a journey, when developing their inviting website. Clients need to know their target market You need to know who you serve, who you appeal too.
Paige Brunton talks wonderfully about getting to know your client in this post.
How to make sure your website actually appeals to your ideal client or customer
Just like her I look into what is your vision and what do you see it looking like. I want to know your mood board, colour, fonts, style and the voice behind the brand.
Paige talks about your ideal Avatar – I have adopted this and so should you- so go on do this exercise.
Let’s do an avatar together
You can check out my previous post on what’s a squarespace website designer?