It’s not all calligraphy when you have a studio space


If you have been following along, up on my Instagram stories, I have been making some big moves. If you haven’t, here’s a quick oud up. I needed extra space. I needed a better layout for my office. So, I moved from our third Bedroom into the basement (very reluctantly). So, after two weeks of moving everything down and building some great shelves. I finally have space that I own. It’s my little sanctuary away from “home”. Even though it’s within our house, once I am in the basement, I can concentrate on working without thinking about what’s happening upstairs.

Let’s say best DECISION EVERRRRR….

my workspace

As from the title, I am going to steer away from calligraphy on today’s post and let you in on some additional work I have been undertaking. With my marketing degree and has worked in corporate for ten years, I didn’t want to completely walk away from my marketing roots.

When I completed high school, I never knew what I wanted to do. I was your typical lost teenager. Taking a gap year was not even on the table. I had to find something that would spark my creativity. I had multiple applications to attend the university each with three options and marketing was not even one of them. I always yearned to do journalism, it was something that excited me, and I do regret not following that career.

I chose Marketing as it had many avenues I could branch into, without tying me down to one specific career. I absolutely loved it. I completed three years in two years (one of my biggest achievements) and went on to complete my honors.

As part of the Find Me Lettering brand, I have decided to take my learnings and knowledge from corporate life and offer you, my clients, a marketing service which caters to you and your business:


Your brand is your persona. Your brand identifies the way you communicate and the way it is interpreted. It’s not just about the logo or the profile picture behind your social media. It is beyond the design of the logo and the type of profile picture that resonates with your potential client. A brand is a cultural connection between an organization and those it serves. Every brand’s architecture lives, and breaths based on the cultural insights, strategic direction, and the approach. Don’t follow but rather lead from the front.


In a world, we are closer than ever but further from each other. With the ease of a smartphone or tablet in our thumbs, and your post will just not cut it. Digital design displays are about being intentional (what I mean is) being authentic, showing up as you, allowing your product or service to speak for itself and how your service can help potential clients. Start a conversation in the most unique locations and see where the journey of the brand takes you


The feel of paper between your fingers (there’s nothing like the love for paper) but knowing that we live in a dominant world of digital, those exchange of Instagram handles are just not going to cut it. Handing over a business card creates curiosity. It allows for the right questions to be asked so you have the opportunity to lay it on thick and making your presence known.

Benefits of working with me:

  • most independent businesses are run by people – not by boards, not by stockholders, not by algorithms. With me, you get a different kind of care and quality in your product or service because my work is a reflection of me and you. Instead of focusing on the next market, I’m focusing on the details and being the best I can be.

  • as a small business, I provide the feeling that a real person is behind it all, someone who cares more about giving you a quality product or service, over just taking your hard-earned dollars.

  • when you work with me, I do a happy dance as you have supported a woman working on her dreams.

Let’s work together.

my services

with love,
Vanisha Singh

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