Social media is potential friends!


Take a moment and just soak up this title. Breath it in………. breath it out….

How many of us have made friends through social media that you end up collaborating because you instantly just fit into each other’s brains? It’s easy to like a post or follow a person but there is something more about interacting with that person that you are drawn too.

At the Toronto Business Babes event, I was able to meet some aspiring women who are leading their businesses beyond the male-dominant industries, powering through passion and vulnerability, taking time to assess situations through journaling and overall just “kick-assing” this life being an entrepreneur.

This last week, everyone across the world had a very heavy heart after the passing of Kobe Bryant and his daughter. Stories were shared from all walks of life and the impact he had on each individual. Now let’s flip this and ask, ‘why can’t we women just be as supportive”, in everyday life situations?

I can definitely say the switch has flipped and here’s why. Walking into any room for an event can be a daunting task, especially if you know no one. You glance across the room hoping a soul will connect with you either through a smile or a hello. Guess what, many did. I stood in a room with over 70+ women, weaved ourselves between different introductions, conversations and great food. By the end of the night, I just didn’t make new friends, but I learned a valuable lesson. Participating at these events, every woman who attended was, therefore, the same reason I was, to learn and make new friends who can assist us grow our businesses or just be an extra pair of ears to listen to us.

I am certainly making new friends for the first time in many years. I have extended my circle by allowing myself to fully be present.

Shoutout to Shai at Sweet and Shy Cakes, I got to provide all the signage for her dessert table and can I just say those cakes and cookies were gone within an hour.

So who are your social media potential friends?

Below are just a few photos

@fleurdekaur balloons decor

@_lindsaytompkins and I

@thelivingplatter graze table

@lovebonezbaby and I


with love,
Vanisha Singh

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